A number of AnalyzeCL users have asked for various graphs and alternative report formats. Considering the multitude of possibilities in report formats, I have refrained from extending AnalyzeCL in this fashion and focused on data extraction capabilities. Nonetheless I have recognized the limitations and now am offering ways for users to extract CL Analysis data in a format that other applications (Excel, CricketGraph, etc.) can use. In this way, users can do what they want with the data.
I have limited need for such programs, so I have 'written' a couple of Hypercard stacks that allow more flexibility in viewing the data.
Data Extraction
When I first started this particular project, I used the macro capability of QUED/M to extract the various reports from the 'CL Analysis' file, and write tab-delineated versions of the same data, one report per file. These macros are listed in text form in a separate file, and are included in a macro file. For historical reasons that will be explained later, the macro does not support user or file report extraction.
This approach works just fine, but did not address the needs of those who don't have QUED/M. ( I assume these macros may be modified for use with other editors such as MacSink or Vantage. Nisus will also handle this sort of task.) Although I encourage all BBS Sysops to get this program, I wanted to provide options.
The second solution is to use a shareware program called Infomaker. Version 2.2 is current at the moment, and is available on GEnie and CIS. The actual data lines of each report must be copied out of the CL Analysis into a separate file. No blank lines or header data should be included. Then, by using the appropriate Infomaker script, using one of the report files as input, and Infomaker will create a tab-delineated output file.
Again, I did not create scripts for the user or file reports, but the other scripts should provide a starting point if anyone wants to follow this approach.
I still wasn't happy with this, since I thought it was rather tedious extracting raw data and putting it into separate files. I wrote a real simple little program that will extract all the reports from the CL Analysis file and produce the following files:
Daily Stats
Day Of Week Stats
File Stats
Hourly Stats
Monthly Stats
User Stats
Weekly Stats
These files are essentially the same reports that are present in the CL Analysis file except that they are tab-delineated and minor editing has been done, such as stripping the '%' and such. The disadvantage of this approach is that it is not very flexible, i.e. you can't change the name of the output files or suppress reports, and the input file must be named 'CL Analysis'. The other methods allow processing of any file in the same format, such as a CL Analyis file that's been renamed 'CL Analysis89'.
In any case, all three methods work. Once the data is in tab-delinated form, it is readable by most spreadsheets, databases, statistics programs, and graphers.
CL Analysis Analysis
However, I do not own any of the aforementioned types of programs. (I do have a spreadsheet DA, but it only graphs 10-20 items.) I have written a couple of HC stacks that will read in the data and do basic graphing.
BBS Stats
This stack will read the Daily Stats, Day Of Week Stats, Hourly Stats, Monthly Stats, and Weekly Stats, and will graph up to six variables using time as the X axis. It should be simple for most sysops (assuming some HC scripting ability) to modify the stack if needed. This stack has a few glitches in it, but that's the difference (in my view) between freeware and shareware. This is free! I hope that the comments in the stack are sufficient, but I'll be glad to answer any questions. Also, it was developed on a Mac II, so users with slower machines may want to put in some 'lock screens' and such to speed it up, or connect the scripts so that all data input is done in one step. One warning: after reading in some data, graph at least one item so that the X axis is updated to reflect the new data.
File Data
This simply pulls in the file information and allows sorting alphabetically, by access count, or by last date referenced.
User Data
This stack reads in the user data and provides sorting on any field. It will also plot histograms on one numeric variable. For example, you can plot each user across the X axis and show the number of DLs as a vertical line above the user. I'm working on more capabilities for this one, but I thought I'd release what I had so others can build on it.
All of these items are free but I would like to mention two things:
1) The graphing logic in the BBS Stats stack is nontrivial. If someone else uses substantial portions of this 'code' in another stack, I'd appreciate a line of credit.
2) Most of this is useful only with CL Analysis data as input. AnalyzeCL is shareware, so do not use it if you haven't paid for it. The requested fee is now $10.
As a bonus, I've included a QUED/M macro that will do a text plot of usage data for any selected text.
For example, this ...
5/01/89 24:00 14% 71 67 18 0 0:20 7 19 87 3 0
5/08/89 27:49 16% 96 35 50 1 0:17 1 67 65 7 0
5/15/89 17:26 18% 50 50 33 0 0:21 1 30 56 4 0
is converted to this...
5/01/89 14% **************
5/08/89 16% ****************
5/15/89 18% ******************
by selecting the three input lines, and executing the 'Plot Usage' macro. It's fairly easy to scale the output as well, or change the asterisks to something else.
PPS: Tutiorial
Put all three stacks and the 'Split_CL_Analysis' in a new folder. Copy a 'CL Analysis' file into this folder, then run 'Split_CL_Analysis'. You'll see several new files. Open
BBS Stats, then go to 'Hourly' and click 'Load Data'. You can browse the data now, or click 'Graph'. Once here, click the left 'Logins'. Then click 'Usage' on the right.
Click on the left 'DLs'. Click on the right 'Pub' with the option key down. Feel free to experiment.
The other backgrounds, Hourly, Day Of Week, etc., work in essentially the same fashion.
Now, open 'File Data' and 'Load Data'. Click on a couple of the sort buttons.
Open 'User Data'. Click on any numeric field, such as logins. The cards will be sorted by that field. (You have to click on the field, rather than the text.) Click on the little histogram on the bottom of the card.
That's all for now. If anyone comes up with improvements, share them! -- TK